Golden Sky Stories: Twilight Tales (originally released in Japan as Mononoke Koyake) is the first Japanese supplement for Golden Sky Stories, and it adds the mononoke as a new set of character types for players and narrators alike. Each has a signature character, but they’re also easy to reskin to be any number of creatures. The rules for the kappa also let you play other aquatic creatures like mermaids, and where the signature visitor is an alien, your visitor could be a time traveler, a winter fairy, or even Santa Claus. The book will also feature an intro comic and scenarios to help you get started using mononoke in your stories.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Progress Update
almost 7 years ago
– Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 01:12:24 AM
Hey guys! I wanted to give you a quick update on where things are. The big thing I wanted to mention is that we’re still working on checking over Twilight Tales, so if you have any corrections please go ahead and comment.
In other news:
This is our first Kickstarter to use BackerKit, and the ability to handle add-ons has been a fantastic tool to have. As I write this, 171 backers have ordered $4,273 worth of add-on items, with the Deck of Dreams being the most popular by a huge margin.
The majority of the 829 Twilight Tales backers have filled in their surveys! BackerKit tells me that we’ll be sending 2,245 items to 419 cities across 29 countries!
We’re getting close to being ready to order the reprint of the GSS core rulebook, which is good because there are only about 30 copies left at IPR. That’s kind of amazing considering it means we’ve just about sold through our original print run of 3,000.
I had to order some more to fill out all the ones people are getting, but I’ve now shipped out the majority of the wall scrolls! If you backed at one of those levels you may have even gotten yours already.
Anyway, I’ll leave you with a taste of the new art that’s come through. Below is Ayumu the shrine maiden (the signature character for the new character type in Land of Illusions), by Ella Kurki.
Surveys! (Plus a Raspberry Sky Stories Update)
almost 7 years ago
– Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 07:55:06 PM
BackerKit surveys are out! You should be getting emails with surveys soon; please reply as soon as you’re able so we can keep this whole train rolling. If you’re anticipating a change of address, remember that you can change it in BackerKit later on. If you don’t receive anything from BackerKit, first check your spam folder, and if you definitely haven’t gotten anything, message me so we can get things sorted out.
Raspberry Sky Stories
I also have a quick peek at what I have for Raspberry Sky Stories so far. I finished the first drafts of the six character cards, and I’m about halfway done with the 12 scene cards.
When you play RSS, each player will pick one of the six character cards to use. A character card has a picture of the character, a brief bio, and their “Special Move.” The Special Move is a table of 12 random events around the character, and you can use your character’s special move once per scene. These were the most time-consuming part of writing up the character cards, since it requires coming up with discrete events concerning them that are reasonably adaptable to different situations. I ended up going over the descriptions and powers/weaknesses of the henge in the rulebook, and also watching kind of a lot of YouTube videos of funny animals. For some I stuck pretty close to what was in GSS, while for others I had to come up with more stuff on my own. That’s probably why Kuromu’s Special Move has a lot of general cat stuff.
When you sit down to play, you pick a scene card, which has a series of paragraphs. You read a paragraph, role-play per its instructions, and then move on to the next paragraph until you’re done. I adapted a few from Raspberry Heaven, and I’m working on several new ones more directly relating to happenings in the countryside and concerning Japanese folklore, like this “Ghost Stories” one:
(Towa Gozen is the snake goddess from Hitotsuna Town, and in RSS she serves as an NPC authority figure, albeit kind of a frivolous and irresponsible one.)
Once you finish a scene, you can either call it a day, or move on to another scene card (with the option to change up the characters you’re playing). That makes it easy to play for more or less as long as you want, and also lets you change players between scenes with minimal fuss.
Anyway, that's all for now!
Twilight Tales Proofing
almost 7 years ago
– Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 07:45:47 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Have a GSS PDF!
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 05:16:25 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
More Goodies
almost 7 years ago
– Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 08:09:41 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.